Commonsense Entrepreneur

April 6, 2009

New Book! The Commonsense Virtual Assistant

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , , , , — Joel D Canfield @ 9:53 pm

My wife and I have just completed our first business book together.

The Commonsense Virtual Assistant—Becoming an Entrepreneur, Not an Employee, is designed to help the growing number of virtual assistants analyze their business skills, and find and fill any gaps.

It’s also a resource if you’re looking for a VA. The book outlines what you should expect from a professional virtual assistant.

You can pre-order an autographed copy for $19.95. The book will ship in May.

What Folks Are Already Saying About the Book

“Your book will be a great asset to many new VAs.” Jan, Your Virtual Wizard

“Good luck with your book. I hope it will emphasize the importance of self-worth and encourage future VAs to value their skills, to always continue their education, and to be responsible and conscientious business owners.” Jennifer,

“Can’t wait to buy your book!” Rosalind Harris CPS,

“Sue and Joel, I really appreciate your efforts in putting this information together and look forward to the final product.” Margie Gibson, MG Virtual Office Solutions

November 14, 2008

Your Business Needs a Blog

Filed under: Writing — Tags: , — Joel D Canfield @ 4:43 pm

Does your business have a weblog? Remember the four fundamental consumer needs from my book?

  1. Get it right
  2. Get it out there
  3. Give ’em advice
  4. Give ’em a voice

Those last two, proactive advising (a form of education) and allowing your prospects, suspects, and clients to speak up about your business—a ‘blog’ (short for ‘weblog’, an online journal or diary) provides those. You post a bit of business wisdom, the latest news in your industry, something interesting that happened in the shop, at the office, or with a client, and your readers post comments.

That last bit, the readers posting comments—that’s the real value of the blog.

Seth Godin’s blog (which I read every day) included this gem today: “The blog isn’t about the writer, it’s about the readers”

Yup; I’m still talking about customer-centric thinking. The sad reality is that, other than your mom, not many people will read a blog that’s about you.

But O! so many people will read a blog that’s about them.

If you want to know more about blogging for your business, Sue has written an eBook for her clients. It’s straightforward and clear, packed full of how-to and why-to which will help you get started blogging, or make your existing blog a little better. For under $30 you’ll get a questionnaire to jump-start your blog, and pages of densely packed, but clear and understandable, information and instructions on exactly what to do, why to do it, and how to do it. You can order it from her website.

Blog at